Veteran's Project Reflection

The Veteran's History project was a new and interesting experience for me. When Veteran's Day came around, we were assigned a veteran that was attending the assembly at the school. I was partnered with my fellow classmates, Aubrey Tennant and Ethan Brown. Our veteran was Timothy E. Stanley and he was in the United States Air Force. His enlisted career in the air force lasted four years and one year in the international guardHe wanted to be in the military but he felt the air force was the safest place to be where he could work on planes and get a career and not get out and not have a job that he wasn’t going to keep doing. He currently still works in the air- line industry. Training was difficult he described. He went to Blacklan Air Force Base in San Antonio Texas, that’s where basic training was. Basic training in air force from what he has heard is a lot easier than other types of basic training. By the time basic training was done they had to do 15 push-ups, 15 sit ups, and run a mile.  Most people can do that when your 75 but that’s the service he chose and he was glad he did it. Overall, I really enjoyed this project because I enjoyed learning about Mr. Stanley's  life in the military. I remember him saying that he was a "boring veteran" and I responded that there is no such thing. His reaction to my comment will forever stay in the back of my head. He said that made his day and that he's glad that students appreciate the branches of the military. 
